INRAe (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food & the Environment) is a public research establishment of 12,000 people with more than 200 research units and 42 experimental units located throughout France. The institute is among the world leaders in agricultural and food sciences, in plant and animal sciences, and in ecology and environment. Six different INRAe laboratories will contribute to DOMINO: MICALIS institute (Food and Gut Microbiology for Human Health); SAYFOOD (Paris-Saclay Food and Bioproduct Engineering); MaIAGE (MAthematics and computer scIence Applied from the Genome to the Environment); UNH (Human Nutrition Unit); UMRF (Cheese Research Unit) and MYCSA (Mycology and Food Safety). INRAe will work with two associated partners: AgroParisTech and CRNH (National center for Human Nutrition Research).
WebsiteRole in the project
INRAe is the coordinating organisation of DOMINO. INRAe’s researchers, together with colleagues from INRAE’s linked third parties (AgroParisTech and CRNH – see below) will contribute to the long-term nutritional diet trial targeting milk kefir and in two downstream mechanistic studies in animal models. They will also be involved in the development of several plant-based fermented foods and contribute to the construction of an open Food Microbiome Database. INRAe’s ambition in the project will also be to drive the use of synthetic microbial ecology experimental strategies and of ex-vivo models for microbial risk assessment. Lastly, INRAe will coordinate the French Living Lab.
AgroParisTech is a French higher education institution, known as a grande école.
The Centres de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine or CRNHs is a network of human nutrition research centres in France.
Check out INRAE’s updates about the DOMINO project here: https://fme.micalis.fr/projects/domino/

Stéphane Chaillou
Research Director at MICALIS

Christophe Chassard
Research Director at UMRF

Emmanuelle Maguin
Research director at MICALIS

Florence Forget
Research Director at MYCSA

Isabelle Savary-Auzeloux
Research director at UNH

Mahendra Mariadassou
Senior researcher at MaIAGE

Marie Champomier-Vergès
Research director at MICALIS

Pascal Bonnarme
Research director at SAYFOOD

Valentin Loux
Research Engineer at MaIAGE