UNITN_University logo

The University of Trento (UNITN) was founded in 1962. It is located in Trentino (North-East Italy), a region known for its mountains and the Dolomites. The University has 11 Departments and 4 Centres with more than 16,000 students.


Role in the project

UNITN will cooperate to establish an innovative food-associated microbiome resource and toolkit to support food microbiome research and the impact of food microbiome on human health. UNITN will also support the metagenomic sequencing and the metagenomic analysis within DOMINO.

UNITN_Nicola Segata

Nicola Segata


UNITN_Federica Pinto

Federica Pinto

Lab- and scientific projects manager

UNITN_Vitor Heidrich

Vitor Heidrich


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