Food Metagenomic Data: news from University of Trento

A new version of the curatedFoodMetagenomicData (cFMD), developed within the DOMINO project, has been released by University of Trento. This new version comprises additional 835 food metagenomes from 26 datasets of recent publicly available studies, along with the 2,533 publicly available (including the European funded MASTER project) food metagenomes from the initial cFMD release. Overall, cFMD v1.2.1 comprehends 3,368 food metagenomes from 85 food metagenomic datasets.
The cFMD is a comprehensive resource that compiles curated metadata, taxonomic profiles, and reconstructed genomes derived from shotgun metagenomic sequencing of food samples. It provides a thorough resource for metagenomic research, and serves as a valuable asset for researchers exploring the microbial diversity in food, facilitating studies on food quality, safety, and the potential impact of food-associated microbes on the human microbiome.
🔗 Access the FMD database here: Food Metagenomic Data (FMD).
🔗Read more about the generation of the FMD in the scientific publication: Unexplored microbial diversity from 2,500 food metagenomes and links with the human microbiome.
🔗Read more about the Food Metagenomic Data (FMD) database within DOMINO website: Now Available: Open Source of Food Metagenomic Data (FMD) – DOMINO.
🔗Read more about University of Trento and his involvement in DOMINO: UNITN – DOMINO.