DOMINO’s Profile on the EU CAP Network, EIP-AGRI Project Database


The EIP-AGRI (The Agricultural European Innovation Partnership) project database is hosted by the EU CAP Network, a network that aims to optimise the flow of information about agriculture and rural policy within the EU. The EIP-AGRI Project Database features projects from across Europe that boost innovation and knowledge exchange for agriculture, forestry and rural areas.

The purpose of EIP-AGRI “practice abstracts” is to facilitate efficient knowledge exchange by enabling stakeholders and interested parties to learn about the outcomes of research and innovation projects. The DOMINO project, part of this initiative, aims to enhance the sustainability and health benefits of fermented foods by leveraging microbial diversity. Through practice abstracts, DOMINO disseminates practical, concise findings to stakeholders, supporting healthier diets, sustainable food systems and fostering innovation in the food sector through the development of novel fermented foods and an Open Access Database of fermented food microbiome data.

Check out DOMINO’s profile and Practice Abstracts in the EIP-AGRI Database, here:

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