Month: October 2024

DOMINO’s Profile on the EU CAP Network, EIP-AGRI Project Database

DOMINO’s Profile on the EU CAP Network, EIP-AGRI Project Database

The EIP-AGRI (The Agricultural European Innovation Partnership) project database is hosted by the EU CAP Network, a network that aims to optimise the flow of information about agriculture and rural policy within the EU. The EIP-AGRI Project Database features projects from across Europe that boost innovation and knowledge exchange for agriculture, forestry and rural areas. […]

Now available: Open Source of Food Metagenomic Data (FMD)

Now available: Open Source of Food Metagenomic Data (FMD)

The DOMINO project is dedicated to enhancing publicly available resources that deepen our understanding of the complex science behind fermented foods. To achieve this, we’ve developed the Food Metagenomic Data (FMD) database—which offers insights into the diverse microbial communities present in various fermented products. FMD is an open source resource that includes 2,533 metagenomes* from […]